
Sunday, November 7, 2010

If A Monkey Got Into Our Purses, What Would He Find?

Let's imagine, for a moment, that this monkey had his choice of prying his little fingers into one of four purses: a 90-year-old's, a 60-year-old's, a 40-year-old's or a 10-year-old's.  What might he find in each one if he reached his greedy little fingers inside?

a check to be cashed, tissues, sunglasses, scissors, comb, lipstick, mirror, mints, scarf, stamps, and $24

checkbook, wallet, pictures, credit cards, insurance cards, driver's license, coupons, ticket to a fashion show, a check to cash, free coffee coupon, gum, tissues, cellphone, notepad, pen, hand sanitizer, business cards, photos that had just been developed, St. Theresa prayer card, cosmetic bag, reading glasses, hand cream, feminine hygiene products, address book, and 3 sets of keys

lots of receipts, post-it notes, 6 pens, a Sharpie, work ID badge, dead batteries, a camera, pictures, credit cards, driver's license, library cards, check to be cashed, an old Franc note, lipstick, brush, tissues, crayons, 2 flashdrives, band-aids, keys, concert program, raffle ticket, bank statement, Excedrin migraine, and $60

crayons from a restaurant, receipt, camera, $5 bill, wallet, modeling clay, brush, bracelet, tickets to a soccer game, candy, markers, and a ring

So which one would the monkey pick? Why, all of them, of course!

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