
Monday, December 20, 2010

5 Tips For Kitten-Proofing

1.   First of all, take off whatever you’re wearing and put on your oldest, rattiest shirt because that kitten’s little claws are about to snag up everything you own. And don’t wear any clothes that have loose threads! Threads, yarn—potato, potahto. Kittens don’t care what you dangle in front of them.

2.   How much do you love those delicate china and porcelain knick knacks sitting on the same shelf that you know your kitten will have to balance himself on and walk across? Best to just wrap those valuables in bubble wrap and put them on a shelf in a closet with a door that closes firmly.

3.   Will you wake up in the middle of the night if you hear a marble, bottlecap, paperwad or game piece scuttling across the hardwood floors? Then pick them up. Nighttime is playtime for kittens.

4.   Do you see any 2-inch gaps between pieces of furniture, or underneath shelves, entertainment centers, or sofas? That’s all the room a kitten needs to squeeze into the space. So figure out now how you’re going to get him back out, because he will cry and cry until you do.

5.   Last but not least, start building up your tolerance to ticklishness. That kitten is sure to climb up your chest and purr into your ear. Flinching and trying to pull him off of your shoulder won’t work. His little claws will be tangled up in your shirt and this is all just a fun game to him anyway. And having fun makes him purr harder.

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