
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Voodoo Offering

One small section of a voodoo temple in New Orleans

On bad days at work (which have become too frequent) I think I'd like to revisit this voodoo temple in New Orleans and make an offering. Now, before anyone thinks I'm trying to shrink my boss' head or stick pins in places that would make her uncomfortable, voodoo wishes can be for other things, too. Like health, prosperity, love, or luck. People leave folded up dollar bills, cigarettes, gold tokens, and other small offerings in the temple. It's fun to look around and search for them tucked away in odd places. But I'll be honest: a voodoo doll and pins sounds pretty good right now. Call me old-fashioned.

1 comment:

  1. Vielen Dank, dass Sie dieses nützliche Wissen über weiße magie. Dies ist eines der brillantesten Texte, die mir je untergekommen sind.
