
Sunday, January 30, 2011


I think my stepfather took this picture in the Mexican Riviera.

“Well, Mr. Laughing-Waters, or is it just Waters?”
“Laughing-Waters. Heron Laughing-Waters.”
“Yes. Mr. Laughing-Waters.” Mr. Thomas flipped the stapled pages in his hands one more time. “Your resume is very impressive. You did quite a bit in the 70’s. A role as a native on Gilligan’s Island. And as a warrior on Little House on the Prairie. Good, solid television experience.”
Heron Laughing-Waters nodded once. “I can play any tribe.”
Mr. Thomas stared at him a moment and then re-focused his gaze on the papers in his hand. “And I see you have some stage experience.”
“Yes. I was Okeenefochee in The Battle of Cherokee at the Cherokee Players Stagehouse. And I was Little Big Horn’s tribe mate in American West.”
Mr. Thomas nodded. “Very impressive, very impressive.” He cleared his throat. “Unfortunately, I don’t have any leads on Indian, er, I mean, Native American roles at the present time.”
Heron Laughing-Waters sat forward in his chair. “I can play anyone. I’ve always been typecast, but I have a broad range. I can play anyone.”
Mr. Thomas froze in his chair. The papers in his hand stood straight up. Not a muscle or nerve flinched for a full minute. Then he gently laid down Heron Laughing-Waters’ resume and took a breath. His words came out in a slow, confidential tone.
“Mr. Laughing-Waters. May I ask you a question?”
Heron nodded and leaned forward conspiratorially.
Mr. Thomas’ hands gestured toward Heron Laughing-Waters’ face. “Your face. The blue. Is it… permanent?”
Heron sat back and puffed up his chest. “Oh, yes. It is the mark of a powerful chief. I have earned it.”
Mr. Thomas sucked in his lip and stared back at the actor in front of him. He let out a long breath. “Well, then.” He pushed Mr. Laughing-Waters’ resume back toward him. “I think there may be auditions coming up for a bit part on National Geographic: The Mayans. I’ll keep your name on file and give you a call.”
Heron Laughing-Waters nodded. He would always find work.

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