
Monday, May 2, 2011

Another Burst of Patriotism

I was never particularly patriotic until the aftermath of 9/11. Then, like everyone else, we ran to the store to buy American flags. Remember? They were everywhere -- decorating cars, front porches, lining streets and yards -- everywhere. We couldn't even get a flag the first time we tried to. There'd been a run on them at the store and we had to wait for the next order to come in. I wonder if that will happen again now that Bin Laden has been killed?

In the days following the terrorist attacks, I felt my first stirrings of patriotism. I teared up at the sight of the flag and felt a community with my fellow Americans that I'd never felt before. The Star Spangled Banner immediately prompted a lump in my throat. The waving of the flag was suddenly one of the most beautiful sights I could behold.

Since September 11th, I've become a sentimental patriotic fool. I cried everytime I heard the first few notes of our anthem during the Olympics. I was beside myself when I saw my son's Air Force unit march with flags during their graduation ceremony. I broke down when I saw the flag draped across the coffin of one of his Air Force buddies. I tear up when I hear children pledging allegiance to the flag. I cannot stop being a proud American now.

The flag is waving again, on the streets, on TV, and all over America. I get chills when I see it. Not because I'm celebrating the death of Bin Laden, but because I am, simply, an American.


  1. I just watched Jon Stewart's response to 9/11 (which I hadn't seen before) and it's incredible to think that was the beginning, and now this is (hopefully) the beginning of the end.

    I thank your son for his service.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I sometimes feel the way that you do, but it's those other voices that are hard to ignore. I've always been an in-betweener, and it's not an easy place to be. Loved hearing your perspective.
