
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mimi the Clown

Street artist Miguel Donvez has created "Mimi the Clown," as part of his rage against capitalism. Here's how he explains his art on his website:

After studying knife-throwing and as a failed tap-dancer I started to take an interest in the world of show business, circus and masks. By going to the SUPERmaRket, by watching TV, by listening to politicians and slaving away every day for a few euros I realised that the show went much further than the stage that used to fascinate me. It was everywhere. Everywhere!! With intelligent giraffes, elephants and poodles!! Zebra tamers, acrobats but above all clowns. A countless number of ClowNs, everywhere! Wooooow, isn’t (real) life magic!

6 and a 1/2 years of internments as well as of exhibitionS in every clinic in France later AND still I go on PAINTING. Painting that is intentionally miLITAnt, offhand and concession free ($$$$).

Oddly, everytime I look at this picture, the song "Send in the Clowns" starts playing in my head with a whole new macabre twist. Like calliope music on a warped record.

1 comment:

  1. I love "Send in the Clowns"!! It's so bittersweet. I'm fascinated with the circus too. There's something mysterious and wistful about it. :)

    Love the painting.
