
Friday, September 2, 2011

Year Two

This is it - the first anniversary of my blog. I managed to post and write about a picture for 365 days in a row and have been deliberating if, or how, I'd like to continue. I've had several ideas.

I thought maybe I'd change the focus, or actually, create a focus, since I don't have one. I toyed with the idea of switching to a travel blog, which I hope to do someday. I also thought about writing once a week instead of once a day. I could just write occasionally, though that seemed like a lot of pressure to write something good, if it was to be worthy enough to post. I thought about calling it a wrap and just letting "Daily Snapshot" be a wonderful memory.

But then I sat down with a man at work whom I only knew in passing. We talked about writing. His writing, my writing, and writing in general. He asked me about my process when I'm writing different pieces, and he said that he wished he could get back to doing some creative writing instead of spending all his energy putting words on paper at work. I understood completely.

Part of the reason I'd debated whether or not to continue blogging is because my work life is about to get a little crazy. It is getting harder and harder to strike a balance between work and home and blogging seemed like one thing that I could take off my plate. Why pressure myself to write every day when sometimes I just don't have the time or inspiration to do so?

But that thought is exactly why I have to continue. I was re-motivated and inspired after talking to that man at work. I left work that day more energized than I had in a long time, and realized again that I must keep myself connected to the writing world somehow, no matter how crazy things get. It would be so easy to just let go and write occasionally -- but how sad is that? It goes against the grain of being a writer and sitting your butt down in a chair every day and writing down words whether you're "inspired" or not. Writing takes work. Writing takes discipline. And most importantly, writing makes me happy.

So, I have decided to continue. I will continue to write daily because that's what I need to do. I have decided to keep the blog unfocused, and relish in the freedom that it gives me. I did change the background (slightly), but am otherwise keeping things the same. Hopefully Daily Snapshot will continue to keep me tethered to the writing world when I could so easily be swept away by the other demands of life.

Here we go. Year Two.


  1. I commend you! I've never had that kind of commitment in my life! Well, you know what I mean. I'm so personally happy that Daily Snapshot is going to be part of my own daily routine. And don't feel like you have to write SO MUCH every day. We love even the random thoughts!

  2. Happy blogoversary! And yes, I agree, that is exactly why you have to keep at it. There's always going to be crazy; you've got to make time for what's important to you.
