
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our Ducks are in a Row

My husband and I were long, long overdue for making our wills. But today that finally changed and we did it. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it. I didn't know if I'd feel one step closer to death, or feel somber, or unsettled. Frankly, I didn't know what to expect.

I was pleasantly surprised to find I felt very relieved. There is a calming reassurance to knowing that you've put things in order. There's comfort in knowing that it's written down on paper. I don't know why we waited so long. (Yes, I do. We're lazy that way.)

What I found during the process was that my husband and I shared the same mindset even more than I'd thought. When issues came up that we hadn't decided beforehand, we turned to each other and gave the same answers; we were unified in what we want. If anything, it solidified the idea that we're married forever and that we've decided these things as a team.

We walked out of the lawyer's office with a sense of accomplishment. It made me feel good. I'm sorry we waited so long, but am glad that we finally got our ducks in a row. And that nothing happened to us before we did.


  1. *applause*

    For finally taking the action. For your true partnership marriage. For this post.

    1. Thanks, Kristan. It's embarrassing that we waited so long for such a completely painless procedure.
