Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 5 On The Ship

Somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico

Aaron stood behind Amy and grabbed her arms. He pushed her forward slightly toward the ship’s railing and then jerked her back hard into his chest. Amy struggled out of his grip and pushed her way past him.
“Stop it, Aaron! You are such a jerk!”
She stormed off down the deck.
“Ah, Amy. You know I was just foolin’ around.”
Amy kept walking.
“Come on. I was just teasing you.”
“Real  funny, Aaron.  You could have pushed me over. So excuse me for not thinking it was funny.”
Amy stomped down the stairs toward the Lido deck. Aaron followed her.
“Come on, Amy.”
Amy twisted around to spit more words at him, but her foot suddenly went out from under her. She slipped in a puddle of water and fell backwards. Aaron caught her under the armpits before she hit the ground. He laughed.
“See! Nothing was going to happen to you with me around. If anything, you could have slipped over the side of the ship all by yourself.”
He laughed at her misstep and helped her stand. Moving a little more cautiously, Amy stomped off again.
Aaron’s laughter died away.
“Where are you going?”
“You are such a jerk, Aaron!”

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